Tentative Agenda Handout w/Consent Agenda
Regular Session Agenda & Documents
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Mayor & Commission
Regular Session Agenda & Documents
- May 3, 2022 Regular Session agenda
- 01 Formalize the Establishment of the Solid Waste Advisory Commission
- 02 Dudley Drive - Parking Prohibition
- 03 FY22 Congressionally Directed Spending from the Office of Senator Jon Ossoff D GA for an Investigator for LGBTQ and Elder Crimes
- 04 FY22 Congressionally Directed Spending from the Office of Senator Jon Ossoff for All-Electric Vehicles Charging Stations for ACCPD
- 05 Relocation of Water Sewer Mains at the SR10 Loop Athens Perimeter at SR 10 US 78 Lexington Rd Auth. for Standard Utility Contract Agree
- 06 Request to Exercise an Option for a 25 Year Lease Extension for Fire Station 7
- 07 SPLOST 2020- Project 03 Classic Center Arena - Public Art Location and Type
- 08 SPLOST 2020 Project 27, Proposed Project Concept (FY23 Annual Work Program of Facility Equipment Systems Replacement Projects
- 09 Appointment of Independent Financial Auditor for FY22 - FY26
- 10 Water Utility Software Conversion - Professional Services
- 11 AXON Master Services and Purchasing Agreement and Acquisition of On Officer Cameras Conducted Electrical Devices
- 12 Project Schematics and Binding Agreement for the Expansion of the Athens Neighborhood Health Center
- 13 FY23 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan
- 14 CY22 Pavement Management Program Project - Bid Award
- 16 Request to approve the Athens Justice and Memory Project Linnentown Wal of Recognition Concept Design for Public Art
- 17 Climate Change Resolution
- 18 North Downtown Athens Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement with the Athens Housing Authority, SPLOST 2020 Project
- 19 Twenty-Ninth Ordinance Declaring Local Emergency related to COVID-19
- 21 1270 US Highway 29 North
- 22 2100 Barnett Shoals Road
- 23 Adopt Athens Proclamations
- 24 Manager Acceptance of Grant Funding and Budget Amendment JDEX
- 25 Purchasing March 2022
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